Results for 'A. Degesys Catherine'

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  1.  20
    Opioid Overdose and Capacity.Catherine A. Marco - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (5):33-34.
    In this issue, Marshall et al discuss the importance of capacity and autonomy in the setting of opioid overdose, in Revise and Refuse: Capacity, Autonomy, and Refusal of Care After Opioid Overdose...
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    A computational perspective on dissociating hippocampal and entorhinal function.Mark A. Gluck, Catherine E. Myers & James K. Goebel - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (3):476-477.
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    Ideas and Animals: The Hard Problem of Leibnizian Metaphysics.Glenn A. Hartz & Catherine Wilson - 2005 - Studia Leibnitiana 37 (1):1 - 19.
    Die Ansicht, dass Leibniz urn 1700 oder einige Zeit danach ein überzeugter Idealist war oder wurde, der allein an die Realität der Geister und ihrer Ideen glaubte, hält sich merkwürdigerweise in der neueren Sekundärliteratur. In diesem Beitrag beurteilen wir die Textgrundlage für diese Behauptung nach von uns für solide gehaltenen Kriterien einer historischen Interpretation, wobei sich die Behauptung unserer Ansicht nach als unzureichend erweist. Obwohl Leibniz zur Überzeugung gelangt war, dass wirkliche "Atome" der Natur keine Ausdehnung hätten, war er sein (...)
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    Retrieval Dynamics and Retention in Cross‐Situational Statistical Word Learning.Haley A. Vlach & Catherine M. Sandhofer - 2014 - Cognitive Science 38 (4):757-774.
    Previous research on cross-situational word learning has demonstrated that learners are able to reduce ambiguity in mapping words to referents by tracking co-occurrence probabilities across learning events. In the current experiments, we examined whether learners are able to retain mappings over time. The results revealed that learners are able to retain mappings for up to 1 week later. However, there were interactions between the amount of retention and the different learning conditions. Interestingly, the strongest retention was associated with a learning (...)
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    (1 other version)International website disclosure of codes of ethics: Auditor-specific and stock-exchange-listing differences.Richard A. Bernardi & Catherine C. LaCross - 2010 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 19 (2):113-125.
    This research examines whether having a readily available code of ethics on a corporation's website associates with either their auditor or stock exchange listing. As such, it is the first research that studies the association among readily available codes of ethics, client auditor and stock exchange listing on a longitudinal basis. In our data gathering, we went to the website of each corporation and searched for a readily available disclosure of its code of ethics at the beginning of April 2006 (...)
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    Deconstruction: Omnibus Volume.A. Papadakåes, Catherine Cooke & Andrew E. Benjamin - 1989 - Rizzoli International Publications.
    Explains the concept of deconstruction, discusses the influence of the philosopher Jacques Derrida, and looks at examples of deconstruction in art and architecture.
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    Facebook's Project Aria indicates problems for responsible innovation when broadly deploying AR and other pervasive technology in the Commons.Sally A. Applin & Catherine Flick - 2021 - Journal of Responsible Technology 5:100010.
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    Emotion has no impact on attention in a change detection flicker task.Robert C. A. Bendall & Catherine Thompson - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  9. Philosophy and problems of college admissions.Thomas A. Garrett & Catherine R. Rich (eds.) - 1963 - Washington,: Catholic University of America Press.
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    Remembering, imagining, false memories & personal meanings.Martin A. Conway & Catherine Loveday - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 33:574-581.
  11.  38
    Patient expectations in placebo‐controlled randomized clinical trials.David A. Stone, Catherine E. Kerr, Eric Jacobson, Lisa A. Conboy ScD & Ted J. Kaptchuk - 2005 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 11 (1):77-84.
  12. Desirable difficulties in cross-situational word learning.Haley A. Vlach & Catherine M. Sandhofer - 2010 - In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone (eds.), Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society. pp. 2470--2475.
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  13. Patient expectations in placebo‐controlled randomized clinical trials.David A. Stone, Catherine E. Kerr, Eric Jacobson, A. Lisa & Ted J. Kaptchuk - 2005 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 11 (1):77-84.
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    The spacing effect in children’s memory and category induction.Haley A. Vlach, Catherine M. Sandhofer & Nate Kornell - 2008 - Cognition 109 (1):163-167.
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    Social Justice, Fallacies of Argument, and Persistent Bias.Catherine Hundleby - 2023 - Argumentation 37 (2):281-293.
    The fallacies approach to argument evaluation can exacerbate problems it aims to address when it comes to social bias, perpetuating social injustice. A diagnosis that an argument commits a fallacy may flag the irrelevance of stereotypical characterizations to the line of reasoning without directly challenging the stereotypes. This becomes most apparent when personal bias is part of the subject matter under discussion, in ethotic argument, including ad hominem and ad verecundiam, which may be recognized as fallacious without addressing whether the (...)
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    The Routledge Handbook of Feminist Bioethics.Wendy A. Rogers, Catherine Mills, Jackie Leach Scully, Stacy M. Carter & Vikki Entwistle (eds.) - 2022 - Abingdon: Routledge.
    The Routledge Handbook of Feminist Bioethics is an outstanding resource for anyone with an interest in feminist bioethics, with chapters covering topics from justice and power to the climate crisis. Comprising 42 chapters by emerging and established scholars, the volume is divided into six parts: Foundations of Feminist Bioethics Identity and Identifications Science, Technology and Research Health and Social Care Reproduction and Making Families Widening the Scope of Feminist Bioethics The volume is essential reading for anyone with an interest in (...)
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  17. The absent body in psychiatric diagnosis, treatment, and research.Catherine Stinson - 2019 - Synthese 196 (6).
    Discussions of psychiatric nosology focus on a few popular examples of disorders, and on the validity of diagnostic criteria. Looking at Anorexia Nervosa, an example rarely mentioned in this literature, reveals a new problem: the DSM has a strict taxonomic structure, which assumes that disorders can only be located on one branch. This taxonomic assumption fails to fit the domain of psychopathology, resulting in obfuscation of cross-category connections. Poor outcomes for treatment of Anorexia may be due to it being pigeonholed (...)
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    Timing and reaction time.Marc Grosjean, David A. Rosenbaum & Catherine Elsinger - 2001 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 130 (2):256.
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    Contemporary Political Adventures of Meaning: What Is Hegemony?Catherine Malabou - 2023 - Critical Inquiry 50 (1):54-66.
    This article, originally delivered as a lecture at the University of Chicago, is a critical reading of Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe’s Hegemony and Socialist Strategy: Towards a Radical Democratic Politics. Following Antonio Gramsci, their book reverses the meaning of the term hegemony. The traditional use of the term (for military or political leadership) shifts and gives birth to a new signification. Hegemony currently designates a privilege but a discursive one only. It is the privilege conferred to a certain word (...)
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  20. Concepts in Pragmatism.Catherine Legg - forthcoming - In Stephan Schmid & Hamid Taieb (eds.), A Philosophical History of the Concept. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Pragmatism is a philosophical tradition that understands knowing the world as inseparable from agency within it. It thereby introduces some unique ideas and approaches to the analysis of concepts. Looking largely to pragmatism’s founder, Charles Peirce, this chapter presents an account of concepts as habits which associate specific kinds of environmental stimuli with schemata of action and ensuing experience, within linguistic communities. I explain how this account avoids Sellars’ ‘Myth of the Given’. I then explore how Peirce’s semiotic approach to (...)
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    Painting for Fools.Catherine M. Soussloff - 2023 - Theory, Culture and Society 40 (1-2):179-200.
    Manuscripts and notes by Michel Foucault on the visual arts recently deposited at the Bibliothèque Nationale reveal a reliance on canonical oil paintings by the ‘old masters’; a respect for the primary sources in the history of European art; an understanding of the necessity of research in both literary and visual sources, particularly self-portraits; and a sense of the value that a certain philosophical milieu – beginning with Sade and Nietzsche and expanding to his near contemporaries, Bataille, Blanchot, and Klossowski (...)
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  22. Reengineering Metaphysics: Modularity, Parthood, and Evolvability in Metabolic Engineering.Catherine Kendig & Todd T. Eckdahl - 2017 - Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology 9 (8).
    The premise of biological modularity is an ontological claim that appears to come out of practice. We understand that the biological world is modular because we can manipulate different parts of organisms in ways that would only work if there were discrete parts that were interchangeable. This is the foundation of the BioBrick assembly method widely used in synthetic biology. It is one of a number of methods that allows practitioners to construct and reconstruct biological pathways and devices using DNA (...)
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    The Evolutionary Culture Concepts.Catherine Driscoll - 2017 - Philosophy of Science 84 (1):35-55.
    Most attempts to define culture as used in the cultural evolution literature treat culture as a single phenomenon that can be given a single nondisjunctive definition. In this article I argue that, really, cultural evolutionists employ a variety of distinct but closely related concepts of culture. I show how the main prominent attempts to define a culture concept fail to properly capture all the uses of “culture” employed in cultural evolutionary work. I offer a description of some of the most (...)
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  24. Thinking Outside-In: Feminist Standpoint Theory As Epistemology, Methodology, And Philosophy Of Science.Catherine Hundleby - 2020 - In Kristen Intemann & Sharon Crasnow (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Feminist Philosophy of Science. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 89-103.
    A feminist standpoint addresses the ideals or norms and attendant practices involved in science and knowledge with a mind to lived experiences of oppression. That such matters of social context and awareness of that context influence the ability of individual people to know their worlds constitutes the Situated Knowledge Thesis (Intemann 2016; Wylie 2003). Situated knowledges provide the evidence and inspiration for the central epistemological tenet of feminist standpoint theory. Individuals and liberatory communities obtain the epistemic advantage of a standpoint (...)
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  25. XI*—Perceiving Particulars and Recollecting the Forms in the Phaedo.Catherine Osborne - 1995 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 95 (1):211-234.
    I ask whether the Recollection argument commits Socrates to the view that our only source of knowledge of the Forms is sense perception. I argue that Socrates does not confine our presently available sources of knowledge to empirically based recollection, but that he does think that we can't begin to move towards a philosophical understanding of the Forms except as a result of puzzles prompted by the shortfall of particulars in relation to the Forms, and hence that our awareness of (...)
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  26.  14
    A Cross-Disciplinary Survey of Beliefs about Human Nature, Culture, and Science.Joseph Carroll, John A. Johnson, Catherine Salmon, Jens Kjeldgaard-Christiansen, Mathias Clasen & Emelie Jonsson - 2017 - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture 1 (1):1-32.
    How far has the Darwinian revolution come? To what extent have evolutionary ideas penetrated into the social sciences and humanities? Are the “science wars” over? Or do whole blocs of disciplines face off over an unbridgeable epistemic gap? To answer questions like these, contributors to top journals in 22 disciplines were surveyed on their beliefs about human nature, culture, and science. More than 600 respondents completed the survey. Scoring patterns divided into two main sets of disciplines. Genetic influences were emphasized (...)
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    Arkangel and Parental Surveillance.Catherine Villanueva Gardner & Alexander Christian - 2020 - In William Irwin & David Kyle Johnson (eds.), Black Mirror and Philosophy. Wiley. pp. 151–159.
    “Archangel” explores the consequences of Marie's over‐parenting of her daughter, Sara, through the use of a neural implant (the Archangel) that allows Marie to track (and block) Sara's experiences. In attempting to fulfill her duty to protect Sara, Marie ultimately fails morally as a parent. What is fascinating is that different schools of philosophical thought – contemporary liberal philosophy, ancient Greek Aristotelian ethics, contemporary feminist ethics of care, and contemporary Wittgensteinian ethics – all reach the same conclusion about Marie's moral (...)
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    (1 other version)Spatial numerical associations in preschoolers.Catherine Thevenot, Michel Fayol & Pierre Barrouillet - 2017 - Thinking and Reasoning 24 (2):221-233.
    Three-to-five-year-old French children were asked to add or remove objects to or from linear displays. The hypothesis of a universal tendency to represent increasing number magnitudes from left to right led to predict a majority of manipulations at the right end of the rows, whatever children's hand laterality. Conversely, if numbers are not inherently associated with space, children were expected to favour laterality-consistent manipulations. The results showed a strong tendency to operate on the right end of the rows in right-handers, (...)
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  29. V—Moral Truth: Observational or Theoretical?Catherine Wilson - 2011 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 111 (1pt1):97-114.
    Moral properties are widely held to be response‐dependent properties of actions, situations, events and persons. There is controversy as to whether the putative response‐dependence of these properties nullifies any truth‐claims for moral judgements, or rather supports them. The present paper argues that moral judgements are more profitably compared with theoretical judgements in the natural sciences than with the judgements of immediate sense‐perception. The notion of moral truth is dependent on the notion of moral knowledge, which in turn is best understood (...)
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    Ethical considerations for research involving pregnant women living with HIV and their young children: a systematic review of the empiric literature and discussion.Megan S. McHenry, Mary A. Ott, Elizabeth C. Whipple, Katherine R. MacDonald, Leslie A. Enane & Catherine G. Raciti - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-18.
    BackgroundThe proper and ethical inclusion of PWLHIV and their young children in research is paramount to ensure valid evidence is generated to optimize treatment and care. Little empirical data exists to inform ethical considerations deemed most critical to these populations. Our study aimed to systematically review the empiric literature regarding ethical considerations for research participation of PWLHIV and their young children.MethodsWe conducted this systematic review in partnership with a medical librarian. A search strategy was designed and performed within the following (...)
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    Perceiving white and sweet (again) : Aristotle, De Anima 3.7, 431a20-b1.Catherine Osborne - 1998 - Classical Quarterly 48 (2):433-446.
    In chapter 7 of the third book of De anima Aristotle is concerned with the activity of the intellect, which, here as elsewhere in the work, he explores by developing parallels with his account of sense-perception. In this chapter his principal interest appears to be the notion of judgement, and in particular intellectual judgements about the value of some item on a scale of good and bad. In this paper I shall argue, firstly that there is in fact a coherent (...)
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  32. Entrepreneurship, Geography, and American Economic Growth.Zoltan J. Acs & Catherine Armington - 2006 - Cambridge University Press.
    The spillovers in knowledge among largely college-educated workers were among the key reasons for the impressive degree of economic growth and spread of entrepreneurship in the United States during the 1990s. Prior 'industrial policies' in the 1970s and 1980s did not advance growth because these were based on outmoded large manufacturing models. Zoltan Acs and Catherine Armington use a knowledge spillover theory of entrepreneurship to explain new firm formation rates in regional economies during the 1990s period and beyond. The (...)
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    Fact and fiction in the neuropsychology of art.Roman Frigg & Catherine Howard - unknown
    The time honoured philosophical issue of how to resolve the mind/body problem has taken a more scientific turn of late. Instead of discussing issues of the soul and emotion and person and their reduction to a physical form, we now ask ourselves how well-understood cognitive and social concepts fit into the growing and changing field of neuropsychology. One of the many projects that have come out of this new scientific endeavour is Zaidel’s (2005) inquiry into the neuropsychological bases of art.
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    Elaboration d’une base de données d’exemples de structures comparatives : de la grille d’annotation au système d’interrogation.Frédérique Melanie-Becquet & Catherine Fuchs - 2011 - Corpus 10:273-295.
    Le présent article retrace les étapes qui ont présidé à l’élaboration d’une base de données d’exemples de structures à subordonnées comparatives du français. Ce travail a été réalisé dans le cadre du projet « Structures à Subordonnées Comparatives du français » (SCF). Piloté par le laboratoire LaTTiCe sous la direction de C. Fuchs, ce projet a réuni des membres de quatre laboratoires français : B. Combettes et A. Kuyumcuyan (ATILF, Nancy), C. Guimier (CRISCO, Caen), N. Fournier et M. Morinièr...
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    Peut-il y avoir devoir moral sans religion?Catherine Dromelet - 2023 - Archives de Philosophie 86 (3):71-90.
    Dans son Enquête sur l’entendement humain, Hume démontre que la religion ne possède aucune autorité épistémique et ne devrait donc pas dicter les principes de la morale. Pourtant, il constate qu’elle semble effectivement exercer une influence sur les actions humaines et possède donc une autorité morale. L’ Enquête sur les principes de la morale consiste à présenter l’origine séculaire de la morale et donc le fait que la religion n’y joue aucun rôle. En même temps, Hume emploie des métaphores et (...)
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  36. Peirce’s Reception in Australia and New Zealand.Catherine Legg - 2014 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 6 (1).
    "Although I think it is far to say that in what natives of this part of the world call 'downunder,' Peirce is still a minority interest, appreciation of his work appears to be growing slowly but surely...".
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    Aesthetically Designing Video-Call Technology With Care Home Residents: A Focus Group Study.Sonam Zamir, Felicity Allman, Catherine Hagan Hennessy, Adrian Haffner Taylor & Ray Brian Jones - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    BackgroundVideo-calls have proven to be useful for older care home residents in improving socialization and reducing loneliness. Nonetheless, to facilitate the acceptability and usability of a new technological intervention, especially among people with dementia, there is a need for user-led design improvements. The current study conducted focus groups with an embedded activity with older people to allow for a person-centered design of a video-call intervention.MethodsTwenty-eight residents across four care homes in the South West of England participated in focus groups to (...)
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    Acting in solidarity with the poor? Some conceptual and practical challenges.Catherine Lu - 2023 - Ethics and Global Politics 16 (2):38-45.
    Monique Deveaux’s Poverty, Solidarity, and Poor-Led Social Movements makes a timely, compelling, and important intervention in the philosophical literature on poverty and global justice, and improves our understanding of the nature and extent of responsibilities of variously situated agents towards the poor. Deveaux’s focus on poor-led social movements emphasizes that effective poverty reduction requires building up the collective capacities of the poor to engage in joint collective action to oppose and dismantle unjust structures. This approach politicizes poverty and provides a (...)
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    Francis Bacon.Catherine Drinker Bowen - 1963 - Boston,: Little, Brown.
    Modern scholars hold Bacon's philosophical works, Novum Organum, Advancement of Learning, and The New Atlantis, as his greatest achievements. Bowen's story reveals a man whose genius it was not to immerse himself in the rigor of scientific experimentation, but to realize what questions science should ask, and thereby reach beyond the status quo and appeal to the wider imagination of his generation. In his writings, Bacon challenged established social and religious orders, raised questions about the mind/body relation and the role (...)
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    Personal Narratives: Parenting Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders Through the Transition to Adulthood.Catherine Cornell, Julie Herren, Susan Osborne & Kelly Weiss - 2012 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2 (3):1-10.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Personal Narratives: Parenting Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders Through the Transition to AdulthoodCatherine Cornell, Julie Herren, Susan Osborne, and Kelly WeissTransition years: From Learning, Living and Loving to Maintenance and MediocrityCatherine CornellWhat does every parent of an autistic child worry about the most? For those of us with severely affected children, the answer to that question is: “Who will care for my child and keep her safe when I (...)
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    Humane homes.Catherine Robertson - 2020 - New York: Rosen Publishing.
    Our homes are where we live and play, and for those making positive vegan choices, it's important for our domestic spaces to be environmentally friendly and cruelty-free. This book provides practical advice and inspiration to everyone who is building or renovating and wants a home that both supports their lifestyle and benefits the planet. Topics include making intelligent choices on appliances and creating butterfly-friendly gardens. With ideas, tips, and guidelines for every aspect of home design, readers will see how easy (...)
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    Le revenu universel, ce n’est pas que de la science-fiction.Alain Damasio, Catherine Dufour, Norbert Merjagnan & Ariel Kyrou - 2022 - Multitudes 86 (1):130-138.
    Grandes plumes de la science-fiction française ayant participé en 2017 à une anthologie de nouvelles devenue « culte », Au Bal des actifs, Demain le travail, Alain Damasio, Catherine Dufour et Norbert Merjagnan défendent tous trois les principes d’un revenu universel contre la précarisation généralisée du travail salarié. Aujourd’hui plus que jamais, tous trois revendiquent le caractère émancipateur qu’aurait sa mise en place. C’est le message de cette conversation, navigant sans cesse entre dystopie et utopie, et au final pas (...)
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  43. Ratio, Intelligere, and Cogitare in Anselm’s Ontological Argument.Catherine Nolan - 2009 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 83:199-208.
    Throughout Anselm’s writings one can trace what seems to be a paradoxical inconsistency in his treatment of reason (ratio), understanding (intelligere) andthought (cogitare). The Monologion begins by proposing that even an unbeliever can convince himself of truths about God, “simply by reason alone,” while in theProslogion Anselm claims, to the contrary, “I believe so that I may understand.” Much of this confusion can be resolved by clarifying Anselm’s distinctions betweenreason, understanding and thought. Thought follows reason, but reason can surpass understanding; (...)
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  44. Unity and Primary Substance for Aristotle.Catherine Jack Deavel - 2003 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 77:159-172.
    Primary substance for Aristotle is either the individual or form. These same two possibilities are the leading candidates for the source of unity in a substance.Thus, if we could determine what is responsible for the unity of a substance, we may well have located primary substance also. I consider the following possiblesources of the unity of form and matter in a substance:1) The unifier is a connector external to form and matter. (This connector may be itself a form, matter, or (...)
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    Maternal Competition in Women.Catherine Linney, Laurel Korologou-Linden & Anne Campbell - 2017 - Human Nature 28 (1):92-116.
    We examined maternal competition, an unexplored form of competition between women. Given women’s high investment in offspring and mothers’ key role in shaping their reproductive, social, and cultural success as adults, we might expect to see maternal competition between women as well as mate competition. Predictions about the effect of maternal characteristics (age, relationship status, educational background, number of children, investment in the mothering role) and child variables (age, sex) were drawn from evolutionary theory and sociological research. Mothers of primary (...)
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    At the Margins of the World: The Nature of Limits in Terrence Malick’s "The Thin Red Line".Catherine M. Lord - 2012 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 2 (2):62-75.
    Terrence Malick’s The Thin Red Line is an anti-war film which can be read as an Orphic narrative meditating on the relationship between humans and “nature.” Many scholarly readings of the film have been attracted by analyzes that explore the influences of Cavell and Heidegger on Malick. Kaja Silverman’s recent opus, Flesh of My Flesh, contains a chapter titled “All Things Shining.” She elegantly examines how Malick’s film explores the theme of “finitude.” She argues that, ontologically speaking, human existence gains (...)
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    Anarchy in Our Churches? The American Architectural Press, 1944–65.Catherine R. Osborne - 2017 - The European Legacy 22 (3):278-292.
    In the mid-twentieth century American architectural journals, including Architectural Forum, Architectural Record, and Progressive Architecture, routinely ran features on the state of contemporary church architecture in the United States. Rapid suburban expansion and the revival of religious life in the post-Depression, postwar era generated tremendous amounts of construction, with a great deal of work available for architects. This article examines the concerns and hopes of modernist editors in the 1940s–1960s, as they sought to stabilize a “direction” for church architecture. Specifically, (...)
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    How Place and Audience Matter: Perspectives on Mathematics Plural Identities from Late 1950s French and English Middle School Textbooks.Catherine Radtka - 2016 - Science in Context 29 (4):473-521.
    ArgumentIn this paper, I argue that studying school textbooks is a fruitful way to investigate mathematical conceptions in different national contexts. These sources give access to the written production of an extended mathematical milieu whose members write for various audiences. By studying the case of late 1950s French and English textbooks issued for a growing audience of 11- to 15-year-old pupils, I show that a plurality of conceptions was projected at the time onto pupils and their teachers in both national (...)
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    Before, Above, Beneath, Below.Catherine Wilson - 2015 - Philosophical Topics 43 (1-2):1-12.
    In this paper I discuss the largely obsolete notion of ‘metaphysical foundations for science’ and the problems of representation, truth, and embodiment in Descartes identified by Adrian Moore. I explain why rather than enaging in a project of pure inquiry Descartes needed to fit the pursuit and findings of the physical and life sciences into a theological framework. His much misunderstood scientifc image of the human being as a psychosomatic unity is defended as coherent and influential, as is his rejection (...)
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    Acknowledgements.Catherine Wilson - 1992 - In Donald Rutherford (ed.), Leibniz's Metaphysics: A Historical and Comparative Study. Duke University Press.
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